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2022 Winnipeg/영어공부

[영단어모음] Education & Employment (1)

by 셀린Celinee 2023. 7. 17.

[영단어모음]에서는 내가 교환학생 수업을 들으면서 잘 몰랐거나, 외워야했던 단어들을 다루려고 한다.

매 주차마다 배우는 내용의 주제가 달랐고, 해당 주제에 대한 영단어를 10개씩 업로드 할 것이다!

Education costs money, but then so does ignorance.
단어 품사
Part of speech
한글 뜻(정의)
Ko. Definition
영어 정의
Eng. Definition
Ignorant Adjective
무지한, 무식한,
Not having or showing much knowledge or information about things; not educated Never make your students feel ignorant.
Plagiarism Noun
표절 An act of plagiarizing something; something that has been plagiarized A text full of plagiarisms.
There were accusation of plagiarism.
Stream Noun
능력별 편성반
(개울, 시내,
줄기, , 연속)
A group of students of the same age and level of ability in some schools She was put into the fast stream.
[be/come on stream : to be in operation or available – The new computer system comes on stream next month]
Assessment Noun
평가(의견), 평가(행위), 평가액 The process of testing students and making a judgement about their knowledge, ability or progress Written exams and other forms of assessment.
Aspect Noun
측면, 양상, 방향,
A particular part of feature of a situation an idea, a problem; a way in which it may be considered The exhibition will focus on various aspects of life and culture in the Middle East.
Persuasive Adjective
설득력있는 Able to persuade somebody to do or believe something There are several persuasive arguments in favour of the move.
Interrupt Verb
To say or do something that makes somebody stop what they are saying or doing Sorry to interrupt, but there’s someone to see you.
Referee Noun
심판, 추천인,
신원 보증인, 중재자, 심사위원
심판을 보다, 심사하다
A person who gives information about your character and ability, usually a letter, for example when you re applying for a job The principal often acts as a referee for his students.
소질, 적성 Natural ability or skill at doing something [talent] She showed a natural aptitude for the work.
His aptitude for dealing with children got him the job.
수업활동 전체 Work that students do during a course of study, not in exams, that is included in their final mark Coursework accounts for 40 percent of the final marks.


주어진 단어를 활용하여 빈칸 채우기

interpersonal skills     assessment    streaming    dumbing down

1.    Education is not about developing your _______________ but about learning facts.

2.    Frequent examinations are a much more reliable and useful way of measuring performance than continuous ___________________ .

3.    _______________________ is an excellent idea because it enables students with similar ability to work at the same pace.

4.    It’s easier to get good grades nowadays because education is ________________ . Qualifications are worth less than in the past.



1. interpersonal skills

2. assessment 

3. streaming

4. dumbing down

2023.07.17 - [2022 Winnipeg/영어공부] - [영단어모음] #2 Education & Employment (2)


[영단어모음] #2 Education & Employment (2)

단어 품사 Part of speech 한글 뜻(정의) Ko. Definition 영어 정의 Eng. Definition 예문 Sentence arithmetic Noun (명사) 계산, 산수, 연산 the science of numbers involving adding, multiplying etc → mathematics One can imagine his excite


