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2022 Winnipeg/영어공부

[영단어모음] Education & Employment (2)

by 셀린Celinee 2023. 7. 17.
단어 품사
Part of speech
한글 뜻(정의)
Ko. Definition
영어 정의
Eng. Definition
arithmetic Noun
계산, 산수, 연산 the science of numbers involving adding, multiplying etc → mathematics One can imagine his excitement when he later discovered the similarities in progression between the hexagrams and his own binary arithmetic.
excerpt Noun
발췌, 인용 a short piece taken from a book, poem, piece of music etc An excerpt of the speech appeared in the Sunday paper.
Some drama excerpts would give rise to a lot of discussion about relationships between the characters.
autonomy Noun
자치권, 자율, 자주성 freedom that a place or an organization has to govern or control itself
the ability or opportunity to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else
First, the relative autonomy of railway management means that the assessment of its performance by outside authorities is problematic.
passage Noun
통로, 복도, , 구절, 악절 a long narrow area with walls on either side which connects one room or place to another → corridor
a short part of a book, poem, speech, piece of music etc
We walked down a narrow passage to the back of the building.
He read out a short passage from the Bible.
readily Adverb
손쉽게, 순조롭게, 선뜻 기꺼이 quickly and easily
quickly, willingly, and without complaining
Fresh cilantro is readily available in most supermarkets.
mere Adjective
겨우 ~에 불과한, 단지 ~만의, 작은 호수 used to emphasize how small or unimportant something or someone is
used to emphasize that something which is small or not extreme has a big effect or is important
She lost the election by a mere 20 votes.
The mere fact that the talks are continuing is a positive sign.
commentator Noun
해설자, 실황 방송 아나운서 someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, and who writes about it or discusses it on the television or radio
someone on television or radio who describes an event as it is happening
Musicians, critics and cultural commentators often compare recorded music unfavourably with live performance.
Once he gets going, there is no stopping this longtime Chicago talk-show host, sports commentator, actor, professional raconteur.
existence Noun
존재, 실재, 현존,
생활, 생계
the state of existing
the type of life that someone has, especially when it is bad or unhappy
The organization has been in existence for 25 years.
Pablo led a miserable existence when he first moved to San Juan.
rote Noun
(기계적인 반복에 의한) 암기 when you learn something by repeating it many times, without thinking about it carefully or without understanding it In old-fashioned schools, much learning was by rote.
interpret Verb
설명하다, 이해하다, 해석하다, 통역하다 to translate spoken words from one language into another
to believe/explain that something someone does or something that happens has a particular meaning
They spoke good Spanish, and promised to interpret for me.
His refusal to work late was interpreted as a lack of commitment to the company.
Freud’s attempts to interpret the meaning of dreams

2023.07.17 - [2022 Winnipeg/영어공부] - [단어공부] #1 Education & Employment (1)


[단어공부] #1 Education & Employment (1)

"단어공부" 콘텐츠에서는 내가 파견교 수업을 들으면서 잘 몰랐거나, 외워야했던 단어들을 다루려고 한다. 매 주차마다 배우는 내용의 주제가 달랐고, 해당 주제에 대한 영단어를 한 포스트 당 1


